This Terrifying Frying Pan Tower Is the Best Ever B&B for Thrill Seekers

Courtesy of Frying Pan Tower
Courtesy of Frying Pan Tower

Architecture & Design Editor

The truly unique Frying Pan Tower is perched 85ft above the ocean, 34 miles from the North Carolina coastline, and is smack-bang in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean’s Hurricane Alley. It offers rooms to those who are willing to charter a helicopter or hire a powerboat to reach it – what’s not to like?

Courtesy of Frying Pan Tower

Although it sounds pretty scary, this former coast guard station-turned-B&B is worth travelling to for an unforgettable experience where you can literally ‘get away from it all’ and experience the ultimate star gazing extravaganza, or watch unforgettable sunsets with uninterrupted views for miles around.

Courtesy of Frying Pan Tower

Bought at an auction by software engineer Richard Neal back in 2010, the abandoned structure has been slowly and lovingly restored over two years by Richard and his pals, with the help of those brave enough to volunteer along the way.

Courtesy of Frying Pan Tower

Richard himself and his three children have been stuck on the tower when Hurricane Arthur hit with 100mph winds, yet he still insists the tower remain open during hurricane season.

Courtesy of Frying Pan Tower

There are now eight guest rooms to stay in – five twin rooms and three queen bedrooms – which are authentically decorated with vintage paraphernalia to maintain the history and charm of the original US Coast Guard light tower.

Courtesy of Frying Pan Tower

While there aren’t any luxurious facilities as such, guests can still get a nice hot shower in one of the two bathrooms using rain-harvested water (those storms do pay off after all), plus the tower is run on solar power almost all of the time.

Courtesy of Frying Pan Tower

You’ll also be catered for by the two-man staff (usually Richard and his family), but if you’re feeling a bit more adventurous you get out in a boat and catch your supper instead. During the day, you can also explore underwater and dive with turtles, black sea bass, mahi mahi and even sharks in the warm Gulf Stream waters.

Courtesy of Frying Pan Tower

Rooms cost from $598 per person for three or four nights, plus basic meal supplies, but doesn’t include transfers. Book your stay here.

Courtesy of Frying Pan Tower

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